Power Pages

Power Pages is a provincial magazine connecting youth in and from care, service providers and caregivers across BC. Each edition has updates from the Fed and information about opportunities and resources offered by MCFD and other community partners, but the heart of Power Pages is the stories, poems, interviews, photos and artwork submitted by young people. Power Pages is a platform for young people to express their concerns and experiences, share their voice and connect with a provincial network of youth in and from care and their allies.
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Get published!
Are you a young person in or from care between the ages of 14-28? Young people can submit local updates, success stories, opinion articles, reports, ideas, photos, letters to government, poetry, questions and artwork to get published! Youth will receive a small honorarium for every submission printed.
Follow this link to submit to Power Pages!
Our Editorial Policy
- Sometimes we receive more submissions than we are able to print. In this case, we prioritize the content from youth in and from care and we may only print one piece by each young person.
- Articles printed in Power Pages do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Fed
- All Power Pages submissions must follow our Values Code to be printed