Request an Outreach Presentation

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Interested in having us come to do a presentation? Please see below for the presentations we can offer!

Fed 101: Get to Know the Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks 

This presentation is an overview of the Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks, the programs and services we offer, and our youth-driven, peer-based framework. We also talk about the different roles available at the Fed to youth, allies and community partners.

How to Be an Ally: Working with Youth in and from Government Care

This presentation will help you to gain an understanding of the care experience and explore ways you can become part of and support the youth-in-care community. You have an important role to play in helping create positive experiences for youth in and from care that help them to achieve their goals and have their voices heard.  


We can create custom presentations based on your needs. Please note more time is required for us to respond to these requests.

Please be as specific as possible.
Requested Dates

Enter your top three date choices for your presentation below. Please provide at least two weeks notice for Fed 101 and How to Be an Ally presentations (a month is preferred). Please note that custom presentations may take more time.